Monday, 7 March 2016

When Suffering is overwhelming

When Suffering is overwhelming

It is set to happen to all at varying degrees and times,
It takes different forms, but always has its final blow on the heart,
It brings to question the sincerity of what we really stand for,
It shakes the very core of what makes us what and who we really are,
And resultantly exposes and answers the question, “Whose are we?”

It can be as mysterious as it can get, as it may have no agenda,
Sometimes it goes way above human reason and logic,
It hits those who abide by the universal code of morality and ethics,
The same way it gets to the yard of those who are a law unto themselves,
It seems to originate in a cosmos divorced from that of our own.

When suffering is overwhelming, it forces all to revisit the drawing board,
It questions the purpose of existence, and points to the futility of order,
It either pushes us further away or towards our own convictions,
It erases the grey line in-between and leaves no middle ground,
Suffering forces us to choose a side and to pursue a different course.

When suffering is overwhelming, it brings us to a sanctuary of reality,
It drives us to a place of solitude where we can confront our own enemy,
It can only be fought, understood and confronted individually,
It is not distant but always an uncomfortably intimate experience,
Whose mark cannot be bloated away at least in this life we are living.
When suffering is overwhelming, all feedback vanishes but echoes,
Echoes of our own questions, doubts, groans and disillusionments,
Everything crumbles to a bitter predictable and desperate “Why?”
It is a question that is never answered but leads to the sanctuary,
Where there is a wide rear mirror which puts everything into perspective.

When suffering is overwhelming, all evil is magnified and good belittled,
It all appears like hell has been emptied of its devils right onto our doorstep,
All we can hear are the drums of despair drowning the whispers of hope,
It empts us of all prior knowledge leaving a huge thirsty void,
It’s always a crescendo of despair spiraling into a chasm of meaninglessness.

It is always an invidious and awkward position no one would opt for,
It seems like its forever, thus contaminating the greater part of our existence,
When suffering is overwhelming the ground on which we stand seems fluid,
Our knees seem to melt away, we suddenly feel naked and exposed to all,
When we suffer, we ask questions and try to pursue justice but in vain.

It can only be in the sanctuary where the strength to stand is found,
It is in surrender that we gain control and in trusting that we come out victors,
It is not in questioning that we obtain answers but in holding on to the faith,
It may not even be answers that we may need but the assurance and hope,

For suffering may be that great fire brought to purify the gold we carry within.

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